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Not adding to the wedding planner drama

BUT I was at a very large (200 +) wedding on Saturday in a very fancy locale in Manila, and the wedding planner a one of the most disagreeable people Ive met at any kind of fancy function.

1) Wedding invite said 5 PM. We arrive at the venue, a huge outdoor spot with several weddings being held there, at 4:30 PM - no signage, no one seems to know which one of the wedding spots is the one we want, we wanted around till almost 5 PM looking for someone who knows something. We found the planner in a hallway, setting up candles, and she just laughed and said , "oh the wedding's not till 5:30 but I said to put 5 PM on the invites so no one would be late." if you're going to SAY 5 PM there should be SIGNAGE and arrows/maps balloons at 4:30 so we're not walking around in the cold. And your elderly guests aren't upset and tired.

2) At 5:30 the planner starts yelling "everyone sit down, everyone sit down, the bridal party is arriving" Isn't there a better way to ask your guests to be seated?

3) After the ceremony the planner runs out of the area and no one knows where to go. We knew there was an inside spot for drinks and food but no one knew where it was. So we all stand around wondering, and the planner comes back around 15 min later, "come on, let's go" and pushes a number of the older guests almost out of their chairs to "get moving."

4) Once we got to the indoor venue she starts yelling, "get out of the way the bridal party is coming" AGAIN, and starts shooing people away from the bar. She has the bride and groom cut the cake without telling anyone so no one got any pictures. (I know the bride and her mom and it was NOT planned to do that privately. They were very upset at how this was handled"

5) She didn't even make sure the bride and groom got dinner, and it turned out the bride didn't. The planner kept rushing her around for pictures and "moments" so the bride and groom didn't even get to stop at every table.

I would rather pull out my hair on my wedding day than ever use that type of planner.