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Newbie Advice on a DSLR camera

So I'm trying to jump into the photography/DSLR world and was hoping you guys would have some suggestions or advice on what camera to start with. I've had a regular canon point and shoot for years now. I'm now debating between the Nikon D3200 and Nikon D7100. Is it better to start off with the D3200 and upgrade in the future if necessary?

I'm most likely gonna be photographing more landscapes, scenery, outdoors, travel photography etc. Of course, I'll also be using the camera for everyday photography as well.

Any recommendations for lenses? I was thinking to just start off with 18-55mm and 55-200mm which I'm assuming are the kit lenses you mentioned?

Be sure to budget for lenses

The kit lenses can produce passable images, but you will get far more mileage with quality lenses, which cost quite a bit more. I often recommend to new photographers this: buy a used body, and upgrade later as your skills start to surpass what the camera can offer. Or when the body starts to fail, which it will eventually. Use as much of your budget as you can for a good lens or two. Exactly what lens? That depends on what you'd like to shoot.

The body, if functioning properly, could easily be used. It will, however, be well served by a good lens that fits your needs. I bought a D3200 a year ago and love the simplicity, versatility and the price. But I don't love the Kit lens. Actually, the D3200 is now upgraded to a D3300 retail. It have a few more bells and whistles, more focus points, etc. But I am working towards some better glass.