I understand Apple has about a 3 year cycle for introducing "new & improved" for proven good products. As I see it, a three year cycle is a little too long; probably more like six months. But the thing is, you should not expect that what you buy now will be obsolete or dead or unsupported in three years. That's not what will happen.
Apple has typically upgraded the tech about every six months in their current models; the processors get a little faster (not really much of an issue, any more); they have more cores and more pipelines and more ram and they're moving from mechanical drives with moving parts that eventually wear out and break down and are heavy to solid state drives with no moving parts and don't get so hot and graphics processors with more memory and better heat dissipation and different and faster connectors and brighter and higher resolute displays and it's never going to stop. These things will always be in evolutionary mode.
You get something now or whenever and know that it will be surpassed in six months in some way. Also know that, with prudent care and maintenance, it will have a lifespan of at least five years and probably much longer and will still be working as it did when new with little degradation. And yes, there will also be a new and improved model coming right around the corner. But that's what you want, isn't it?
You say, you're 'tired of Windows'. That's the OS that was the primary motivator that made me buy a Mac; a 17" MacBook Pro in 2006 with Intel Core Duo processor and Apple Mac OS X 10.4.x, the first OS X version. It now runs OS X 10.6.8, the last OS X version the Core Duo can handle. But the Core Duo was replaced after about six months with Core2 Duo, along with all new, upgraded hardware to match the processor and to optimize its speed and performance. And it's been that way at every step. I hope it never changes.
All the other PCs offer about the same kinds of upgraded hardware but what they can't offer is the proprietary OS belonging to Apple. You either accept it or you stay with the same old Windows OS and all the problems that accompany it. That's all I have to say about that.