Tablets seem to be a great way of displaying your work. I absolutely love being able to display my work on a tablet. I did buy the wrong tablet though. I bought a Nook Color. It's got a great display and shows my pictures phenomenally. Just one tiny problem - it goes bananas in humidity. I was showing my stuff in a crowded room and the humidity got to it - the screen was either flipping through images on its own or it was totally dead and unresponsive. Very embarrassing!
So... I'm selling my Nook Color on ebay and thinking of replacing it with something else. My tablet worked just fine for the first 30 minutes but as ever more bodies crammed into the room - it was a Chamber of Commerce after hours event, the humidity in the room rose and the thing started malfunctioning.
I'm really thinking of getting some 6x4 prints made and just spiral binding them. Any suggestions? Is there such a thing as a reliable tablet that costs half of an iPad or less or must I get an iPad?