What's with mothers and moms taking over?
Just a vent.... But this is this second shower I've offered to host and it turned out I didn't actually get to host the shower. The first one I offered to host I wanted to have at my house. Out of respect for my friends moms feelings I had it at her house. Then, I offered to throw another friends shower and she begged me to have it at her parents house. I agreed even though I wanted to host, my friend then tried to lead the planning process by choosing invitations and colors and leading the meeting her mother and I had. They also went ahead and purchased decorations. I get that she's excited to have a baby and I get her mom is excited to be a gma again but it's like why should I have offered to host if the hosting would be taken from me? I dunno, I almost feel like I've been told what to do with this shower. I also have been pushed away by my friend. I've tried to hang out with this friend but have yet to have more Han a few seconds...